Welcome to h.i.p. Exchange Business Advisors

Welcome to h.i.p. Exchange Business Advisors
Project Management
One major challenge in Project Management is that you often don't find out your weaknesses as a P.M. until you fail and unfortunately, failure is costly.
For example, did you know 17% of IT projects fail so badly, they can affect the livelihood of the business?
The stakes are high in all projects--but especially high for small businesses.
What tools are you using to manage your projects successfully?
Creative Media and Customized Training Solutions
Your business is special and so are your employees.
Don't waste money on "cookie-cutter" training courses that will bore your employees, leave them feeling unchallenged, and more often than not--just skim over the required learning objectives necessary to succeed.
Talk with us about making custom learning solutions and creative media that is simple, effective, and enjoyable.

Professional Mentorship and Business Coaching Program
In business and in life, people are your best resource.
"Investing in leadership capability pays off in performance, productivity, and innovation" and 89% of those mentored, go on to mentor others--contributing to an ongoing culture of learning and mentoring.
What changes would you like to see in your business within the next year? How can your people and our people help you get there?
Strategic Planning and Efficiency Analysis
Strategic Planning is the first step in Legacy Building.
It's the beginning of a transformation toward stable growth and the foundation from which you and your company can level up.
What would others say is your legacy? Does your vision for the future match your current capabilities? We'd love to talk about how you can reach your goals.